

First Ultrasound

Well, we had our first appointment today and did an ultrasound. We saw our baby and heard his/her heartbeat. It was absolutely amazing!! Everything appears to being going smoothly with the baby. The heartbeat was a strong 165bpm. According to the baby's measurements, I am right on schedule to have the baby on March 8, 2009, or sometime around then. She did notice a small cyst on my right ovary which she told me is completely normal and nothing to worry about. In fact, she told me that when she was pregnant with her second child, she had a cyst on her ovary that was 11cm big. Mine, however, is only 4cm. She said that it will go away, but that we do need to keep an eye on it to ensure that it does go away naturally. We have another appointment in 2 weeks and will do another ultrasound to check on the cyst and the baby. Overall, everything is going well with the baby. I just can't get over how amazing this miracle is!!


  1. Oh my, Oh my!!!! Congratulations! I am just bursting with happiness for you guys! Being a Mommy is truly one of the best most indescribable things! We will be praying for you to remain healthy and for you to have an amazing pregnancy! I think I know what you're having!! Hey - you're still planning on coming to CA, right? We're planning on having you - call me! Love ya!

  2. Aaaaahhhhhh!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I didn't even know you had a blog and WOW you're PREGNANT!! YAY!! Congratulations I am super happy for you guys!! You will LOVE being a mommy and you'll be a great one too!! Can't wait to see some pictures!!!

  3. So excited for you! I predict it is a boy! I am only guessing because of the heartrate. They say that boys have slower heartrates than girls. :) Aidan started out at like 170, but went down to the 140s. They say the rate is fastest during the first trimester. Are you guys going to find out what you are having?

  4. Hey Krista!! I love hearing guesses of what our baby is!! So far I've had 3 guesses that it's a boy but most people think it's a girl. At this point, we are going to wait until the baby is born to find out the sex. Make it a little mysterious. I hope we stick with that, but who knows. As the months go on, the suspense just might kill me.


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