

18 weeks and a nursery!

Well, Sunday I began my 18th week. Yay!! Things have been going well so far. I'm feeling good and I'm feeling Colin move!! Oh man do I love that!! I have even felt him on the outside a couple times. That's a new development...within the last day or so. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling Colin move enough to know when he's most active or what gets him moving around so Robert hasn't felt him yet. Poor guy. He's so excited to feel him. During the day when I talk to him on the phone he's constantly asking "Have you felt Colin?" and when he comes home from work it's "Have you felt Colin?" Needless-to-say, I am very, very excited for him to feel Colin moving around!

We have accomplished so much at our house within the last week! I love it! All of you who know me know I love organization. I mean love it!! So I have very anxious to start preparing our home for Colin to join us. Last week my mom came over and helped me completely and totally reorganize our kitchen. Oh boy was that a ton of work!! Much more time consuming than I had imagined!! But, it was very much worth it! We now have an official linen closet, which I had been using as our pantry because our kitchen does not have one. Our office is now Colin's room and our guest room has converted into a guest room/office. I'm so happy with the changes!! We even bought a crib, changing table, and swing which we have all set up in his room. Luckily, we already had a dresser that will work just fine for our little guy! No painting has been done in the nursery yet, but we still have time for that. It's just so fun to have his room set up. I find myself going in there and looking at the furniture and clothes we have thus far and daydreaming about our little guy! :)

Anyway, here are some pictures of my growing belly and our nursery thus far. Hope you enjoy them!


  1. You look adorable. Love seeing your baby bump. How fun for your mom to be able to help set up the nursery and get your house ready for your son. I'm sure she loved every minute of it. Having nursery stuff makes it seem more real, doesn't it?

  2. I love the crib! What a great find--I can't wait to come over and see it in person!

  3. I didn't know you got a swing, too! man, you are really getting things taken care of! 18 weeks already!?! wow, it's going so fast!

  4. look at that cute little belly! too fun getting all that ready...

  5. You look so cute! And just wait...that swing is the best investment...the one I've borrowed has saved my life and sanity so many times!

  6. the nursery looks adorable! i'm glad to see/hear everything is going great!


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