

2009 and 31 weeks!

Well, 2008 came and went in a flash! When we first found out we were pregnant, March 8, 2009 seemed like an eternity away. So we decided to look forward to the holidays more than usual because that meant a few short weeks later we would get to meet Collin. Well....the holidays have come and gone, which means Collin is coming....FAST!! I must admit, I'm starting to feel a little nervous wondering how I'll do at this mommy thing. But I'm incredibly excited!! 2009 is going to be an adventurous year for us. We finally get to meet our little man!!


  1. you are gonna be a GREAT mommy babe!! Collin is gonna learn right along with you and Robert! We are sooo excited to meet our grandson too!! He is already very much loved as are you and Robert! Just relax and enjoy your parenting journey!

  2. You look so good. 2009 will be a most excellent adventure for Robert and you. Can't wait to see what Collin will look like. Your mom and dad will be super grandparents. It's very exciting.

  3. You look wonderful and I can't WAIT for your shower!! :) :) You'll do a fantastic job as a Mom. I'm so excited to meet your little guy!

  4. Everyone else is right! You look beautiful and you'll be AMAZING as a Mom! :)


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