


February 24....that's the day Collin will be in our arms!

I went to Dr. Bohl-Witchey and she felt it was best to go ahead and get him delivered. So unless he miraculously flips this weekend, we will be holding him on Tuesday!


  1. AAAAHHH!!!! YAAAYY!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!! Okay, I'm doing some meals ... do you have any preferences?? :) YAY YAY YAY! Can't wait to meet the little guy!!

  2. Hey Kristal-
    First of all I would like to give you a little encouragement and say that a planned c-section is easier to recover from than when you labor first then have a c-section. At least that was my experience from Lily to Cooper's c-section. Second, I wanted to mention that I have several friends who think c-sections are the best and bounce back with incredible speed. Maybe that will be you! :0) My third piece of advice is let your hubby and you mom take care of you, you will feel so much better if you are able to rest and let your body heal. On to your question, I was able to hold Lily and Ruby right away. I did have to lay there and get stitched up, but they take the baby to the nursery to work on them anyway even if you deliver naturally. As soon as I was wheeled back to my room they brought me my babies and I got to hold and kiss them. I did have to wait a couple of hours to see Coop, but this was because he was breathing fast and they wanted to watch him in the nursery for a little while before they brought him to me. The funny part is right after they pull the baby out they will clean them up and hand them to your hubby and he will bring the baby for you to look at. You will of course be laying flat and if your husband is anything like mine he isn't to comfortable holding a newborn. So, Josh was afraid to tilt the baby down to my level, but that's okay I got to kiss the prettiest three heads I have ever seen. ;) Sorry to ramble on and on, let me know if you have any other questions and I'll give them my best! Good luck on Tuesday, can't wait to see pics!

  3. Good for you. Annie had such good advice and encouragement, I can't add anything except to say I'll be praying for a safe, healthy delivery and recovery. Excited for you.

  4. Hey Krissy :0)
    I'm sooooo super excited for you guys and I can't wait to meet little Collin!! Annie had great advice and speaking from similar experiences, there's not a thing I would add except to say that I completely agree, I too was able to hold Alora as soon as I was in the recovery room, Xander had to be watched for his breathing for a while, I was even able to nurse Alora easier than I expected after the c-section. I don't know if you're planning to do that but I thought it might be encouraging. I second Annie also in saying to let your Mom and wonderful hubby take care of you so you can rest and soak up time to bond with your little man!! I'll be praying for you both! Love ya!!

  5. Wow! So soon! That is my sister's birthday, so great day! Will be praying for you.

  6. Wow! The day is finally almost here! We'll be praying for you and are so happy for your growing family ;-)

  7. yay!!! he's here!! congrats on your beautiful baby boy!


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