

One amazing man

Today we celebrated my hubby's birthday! He is an amazing man and we are so lucky to have him in our lives. Robert keeps me on my toes, that's for sure. :) You never know what he's going to say. Having kids means my life is always interesting but it has been interesting for the past 9 years he's been in my life. On a serious side, though, he is a great, great man. He loves the Lord, works so hard to provide for our family, he is a great daddy and his kids absolutely adore him!! Him coming home from work is one of my absolute favorite times of the day, not just because I'm excited to see him but because Collin and Emma completely light up when he walks in the house. So sweet! God knew exactly what He was doing when He put Robert and I together and I couldn't be more thankful!! Happy birthday, Babe!! We love you so very much!!

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