

September Whirlwind

Whew! September has been such a blur. On the 6th, we celebrated miss Emma's birthday! I cannot believe a year has come and gone already! I have commented so many times that her first year seemed to go SO much faster than it did with Collin. Collin's went fast, but wow!! It feels like life keeps speeding up and I can't catch up!

Emma is such a little sweetie...and a fireball. :) She has added so very much to our family!! I love the way her personality continues to come out. She is even more strong-willed than Collin is and I certainly feel like I'm losing my mind most of the time trying to keep up with her and Collin, but wow I love her!! I pray everyday that we can mold that strong-will into a God fearing and God loving little girl who grows up to use that very will to impact eternity!

I also adore the friendship that these two continue to grow! I never really thought about this until Emma came along but I pray that our children will truly be friends and love spending time together. They already know how to push each others buttons, but boy do they fiercly love each other, too!! I hope their love continues to grow!

After Emma's birthday, we switched into packing mode. We accepted an offer on our house about a week before Emma's birthday but didn't want to start thinking about all that entailed until after we celebrated her. Wow, I had no idea how huge of a project it is to move...especially with little ones! While we'd had our home on the market, I had started to purge...sell things, give things away, throw things away...but it is amazing how much stuff we have! Yikes!! As the end of the month and our closing date approached, we quickly realized that we needed to be totally out of the house about a week before the closing date. Our calendar was so very full this month that we just had to get out then. The thing is, we haven't found another house yet. My parents have graciously opened their home to us as we continue to house hunt. They have rearranged their house, garage, lives to make room for us. And they have encouraged us to take our time and not rush into the wrong house. We are very thankful for their generosity!

We closed on our house this past Friday and are now settling in to our new "normal"....even if it is a temporary normal. We are excited about what the future holds and are diligantly praying for God to lead us exactly where He wants us...and we KNOW that He will!

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