

DWTS Update

I received our flight confirmation, hotel confirmation and a few show details late last week and let me tell you, this is almost too good to be true! We arrive Sunday morning in LA at 11:00 and have the rest of the day to do whatever we'd like. We've talked about going on a hike to see the city and the Hollywood sign and are looking for other fun things to do on Sunday. If you have any suggestions of something we absolutely have to do, we're open to those. :)

Monday is the show, obviously, and our "fun" begins around 1:30. We'll receive definitive times later this week, but that's the tentative time 3 people from ABC will meet us in our hotel lobby to take photos and escort us to the show. They are taking us in a "motor coach" and escorting us to our seats in the studio. Then after the show they'll take us back to the "motor coach" and take us back to the hotel. Those are the most details on the show that I have right now, but those alone make me super excited!!

But get this, we are staying at the Beverly Wilshire hotel!!

I just don't even know what to think about this! I'll be real honest, I was worrying about wondering what kind of hotel we'd be staying in. When we travel, I don't need a fancy hotel but I absolutely need a clean hotel. Therefore, there are only a few hotels I'll stay at...maybe I'm a hotel snob. They aren't super expensive hotels, but they are ones I feel confident are kept clean. That being said, I was a little nervous about somebody else booking our hotel. Of course it would been fine, especially since they are paying for it, but I was really hoping we'd be a decent hotel. So when I received the hotel confirmation stating where we're staying, I was blown away! Seriously blown away!! Apart from our honeymoon, I've never stayed in a hotel this nice. I hope I'm not afraid to touch things in our room. :)

This has been a fun experience so far....planning our trip and thinking about what our hotel will be like and what it'll be like at the show. Something I wasn't expecting, though, are the occasional feelings of insecurity that have snuck up on me thinking about being in Hollywood and not "being Hollywood" at all. Does that make sense? Really silly, and likely superficial, I know. However, the Lord has convicted me about this and, at the same time, given me an inner confidence to be who I am in Him.

It's been so fun seeing Robert get more and more excited about the trip, even the show. I think for him, and me too, receiving more details made everything more real and more exciting. This is something we'll likely never do again, especially not in the manner we're doing it, so we're going to live it up. We've been talking about how much fun it'll be to not have to be back to the hotel by 7:00 for bedtime. :)

Can't wait to share more with you as we get details and then definitely after the whole experience!

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