

OK Strong

My heart is so heavy for our friends in the OKC area after they have taken such a beating from severe weather and tornadoes. When the Moore tornado struck, we were still in LA. My heart was in Oklahoma with my kids and family, wanting to ensure they were safe. Once I knew they were safe and that no severe weather had really even affected them, my heart broke for those affected by the devastating tornado. Once we got home, life resumed as normal. While I didn't forget about those affected by the tornado, it was almost easy to keep myself removed from the devastation. After last night, though, my heart is breaking in a very personal way for all those in the OKC area affected by more devastating storms.

Thankfully, the Lord kept us safe last night and we experienced no extreme weather. There were a few tornadic storms to the north and west of us, some that even looked as though they were coming our way. However, they did fall apart, sparing us their wrath. Unfortunately, that's not the case for those in OKC.

Knowing how anxious, and down right scared, I was last night, I simply cannot imagine the sheer terror they experienced during the Moore tornado, and again last night. It's just heartbreaking.

So, I've been crying out to God asking how I can help. Of course I'm praying for all of those affected that I likely will never be able to help and serve with my hands and feet, however I know there is something I can do. I just don't know what yet. So, I'm asking Him to reveal that to me.

I do know, though, that I can offer comfort and hope through Him. 1 Corinthians 1:4 says "who comforts us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

Will you pray with my for all those affected by the devastating weather? Will you pray with me for how I/we can help those in need?

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