

Five on Friday

We've made it to another Friday!! The weeks sure fly by, don't they!? Here are some things I'm loving this week.

1. We enjoyed another week at the beach, this time with Robert's family. Robert's grandma turned 80 this year and wanted to have the whole family together for a week at the beach to celebrate. It's been a fun week!

2. We tried to go deep sea fishing Tuesday morning, but learned it was cancelled (after we had gotten up at 4:30 and arrived to the marina by 6:00) due to rough conditions. So, we tried again Wednesday morning and successfully came back with fish! Now, this was my first time deep sea fishing. I'm a bit of a competitive soul, so I do love some good, fun trash talk. That being said, I announced to our crew of about 13 people that I would catch the biggest fish of the trip. Can you believe it...I actually did!! It was a fun experiencce. I would do it again, though I'd be more excited to try bay fishing.

3. Home. While it's so fun to get away, especially to the beach, it's always good to go home. We've been gone for 2 weeks and I'm ready to be back. That's where we're headed today...look out family and friends at home, we're coming back! :)

4. Our car top carrier. I feel a bit weird saying this, but I'm really loving our car top carrier. It frees up so much space in our car and I love it. It would always feel so cramped in the car when we would travel, but now we have space galore.

5. Family. We have had lots of family time the last couple weeks. It has had me thinking about how much I value family...both blood related and those friends who become family. I couldn't imagine doing life without those closest to me supporting me, loving me and encouraging me along the way.

What are your favorites this week?

Until next time,


  1. We've been looking into getting one of those car carriers. Which one did you get? (I apologize if you already put this in another post.)

    1. Hi Sara! Nope, I didn't post which one we have. :) We have the Thule Atlantis 2100XT. We recently purchased it from family who moved over seas & this was our first trip really using it. It has been wonderful!!

  2. I can't wait to see pics of you and this fish ;) And your friends CAN'T wait for your return!!

    1. Haha well if you saw what my uncle in law said about it on Facebook, he was exaggerating a bit. ;) but it was the biggest of our group. We can't wait to see you guys!!!!

  3. ALWAYS such a pleasure to check-in here and see what God has laid on your heart for this time!


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