

Five on Friday

It's time for another Five on Friday post! Here's what's on my mind this week. :)

1. Yesterday my parents celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary! They have provided such a great example of how to have a loving, God honoring, lasting marriage. I am so grateful for them and their influence in my life.

2. Am I the only person that has a hard time getting back into a routine after being away on vacation? On the one hand I was ready to sleep in my own bed, but on the other hand I enjoy the change of pace vacation brings. It just takes me awhile to get back in the swing of things.

3. This week I signed up for The Fresh 20 per the recommendation of this lovely lady. I am loving it so far!! I've only made a few meals, but they have been so tasty and so fresh! One meal Collin even went back for 3rds! I'm excited to head to our local farmers market this weekend and pick up the ingredients for next weeks meals.

4. Sometimes I can struggle with contentment. Do you ever struggle with that? Let me give you an example. I'm a beach girl through and through. I would love nothing more than to live on the coast and enjoy everything about it. However, the Lord has me landlocked in Oklahoma right now. And sometimes, like when I vacation at the beach, I wish so badly I could live there, that I forget to be content and usable where the Lord has me. But, He and I had a sweet moment the evening we got home. I took Maxi boy (our Great Dane) outside to potty and was struck by the beauty around me...the trees, green grass, beautiful sky, warm temperatures. It was just a sweet moment that the Lord gave me to remind me that I'm here, living in this place, for a reason.

5. My bestie and I have been completely spoiled with Snickerdoodle coffee from a local coffee shop. Seriously, this is the best coffee ever!! We were talking just last night about how much we look forward to morning just for our Snickerdoodle coffee. :) If you're ever in Tulsa, go to Mecca Coffee and buy a pound, or two, of it. You'll thank us! :)

What are your favorites this week? I hope you have a great weekend!!

Until next time,


  1. Soulmates for sure :) Mecca rocks!!

    I think God wants us to enjoy our green land right now, but I think he has plans for us all to move to the beach one day... :)

  2. Getting back into the groove post vacation is so hard. I hear ya!

  3. THANKS FOR ALL THE PICS.....I'M RE-LIVING OUR TIME TOGETHER THROUGH THEM SINCE I DON'T TAKE PICTURES MYSELF!! It truly is AMAZING all the beauty that does surround us when we take the time to just stop, look and listen!! God's handiwork is EVERYWHERE and AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing once again Kristal!!


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