


This fall we'll begin our first year of homeschooling. Well, not official as in starting kindergarten, yet, but a pre-k program. It has been an interesting journey coming to the decision to homeschool. It was never something I considered. Not because I had any negative thoughts or experiences with homeschooling; in fact, one of my best friends was homeschooled all the way through high school. It's just that I went to public school and Robert went to a private Christian school in Albuquerque. I just assumed we would send our children to a private Christian school, if we could afford it. But then we had Collin...and everything changed. Suddenly homeschooling was on the table and we both were ok with it. We weren't completely sure that it was the right fit for our family, but we did want to pray about it and learn more.

So, last year I attended a homeschooling convention in town. We were both feeling pretty confident that homeschooling was right for our family, but I wanted to attend the conference, hoping it would provide clear direction either way. And it did. Within the first few hours of the conference, I knew homeschooling was the right choice for our family. And after talking with Robert that night at dinner, we both committed to it. However, I definitely experience moments of "oh my goodness, can I do this?!"

I haven't been too vocal about our choice to homeschool. There are two responses I get, supportive or unsupportive. Thankfully, our family-specifically my parents and Robert's parents- and close friends are very supportive in our decision to homeschool Collin and Emma and any other children we may have (no I'm not pregnant :)). However, I do meet people who are not so supportive of our decision. I've been told many times "I could never homeschool my kids. I don't have the patience for that." On the one hand, it makes me panic because I don't always have patience with my kids. So will I really be able to homeschool them?! And on the other hand, I think I'm no more capable or "special" than anybody else, so if I can do it, you can do it...if you're called to do it. 

So, this fall we'll begin our first year of homeschooling. We won't start anything too intense. Collin will just be starting pre-k. I'm looking forward to it though. We have a great room that was used as a game room by the previous owners that we're transforming into our school room this summer.


  1. You will do great, I know you will :)

  2. So glad that we can go through this journey together. I've started a little bit of homeschool with Benjamin already and it's been so fun to see him learn and get so excited about learning new things. You'll do great!

    1. Thank you!! I'm excited we're doing this together, too!!


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