

Summer splashing

One fun thing about our drainage issues (ha!), which should be fixed now, is that we have massive puddles after heavy rains. One morning, my dear friend Mia brought me some yummy coffee from our favorite coffee shop/store. While we were out front waving goodbye to her, I let the kids play in the puddle for a bit. Here are the little cuties...

It's fun being a kid!!
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Until next time,


  1. Ah I love the pics, I wish I wasn't heading to work I would have jumped in there and splashed around with them :) And thank you for the shout out!

  2. LOVE THOSE TWO!! Just what I needed to see this morning as we are gone on vacation ourselves and we're missin those two cutie pies!!! Collin and his tongue hangin out....SO FUNNY!! Give them a squeeze from nana and papa!!! Looking forward to doing that personally in a few days!! ;)

    1. Yes, that crazy tongue!! They (we) are looking forward to giving you a squeeze Saturday. :)


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