

Five on Friday

It's Friday!!! And this is a very special Friday because...

1. Today is my hubby's birthday!! I'm a big fan of birthdays. I mean, what's better than celebrating those you love?! And this man, I adore! He's a wonderful husband and father and I thank God every day for the blessing he is in my life. I cannot imagine going through life without him!! Happy birthday, Babe!! I love you!!

2. Last night a few of my girlfriends, including this beauty,  and I started our study through Acts. We've been meeting (almost) every week for Bible study since 2012 and I adore our group. Our members change a bit each study, but there are a few of us who have remained constant and I cherish those ladies. There is just nothing like getting together on a weekly basis, studying the Word together and doing life together. So sweet!

3. My bestie from college came over for the day on Wednesday and it was so great to see her. She lives about a hour and a half away and we try to see each other every few months. It's crazy how fast time goes by and how we can go for months at a time without talking, but when we are reunited, we pick right back up as though we were never a part. Those friendships are so sweet and rare and I'm thankful for her!

4. Our home and the way the Lord is already using it. I need to share our story about how the Lord lead us to our house sometime, but I received a really neat call from a friend this week asking if they could use our pool to baptize their little boy who recently accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior! How cool is that?!?

5. And finally, this is just fun. I was at Target, by myself, buying the hubby some birthday cards. I had to wait in line, just like everybody else, but received a fun surprise as I was paying. The cashier told me he was going to give me a $3.00 discount just because I had to wait in line. Haha! I was only buying two cards, shocking I know that I only left with what I came for at Target, and that basically paid for one of the cards. How fun :)

Until next time,


  1. Happy birthday to Robert, good pic of him!

    It was so good to get back into study last night!

    That is so cool about your friend wanting to use your pool!

    And hooray for a $3 discount ;)

  2. Robert is truly a WONDERFUL guy!!! GOD did bless you in bringing you two together!! I know how much you cherish your Bible study time with the thankful you all have that opportunity to glean truth from God's Word together! It's the "little" things in life that people do for us or we do for others that mean the most!! Your Target experience is really nice!! it forward.....I know you will sweet girl!!


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