

Wife After God: A book review

If you know me very well, you know I'm passionate about marriage and family.  My marriage and family are far from perfect, but it's not something I take lightly. My marriage to Robert is a beautiful gift God has given me and through our marriage, He has tremendously blessed us with our children. So, to think about something and/or something coming in and trying to damage my marriage and/or family makes me down right feisty. Hard to imagine, I know! Ha!!

So, when I was given the opportunity to review the book, Wife After God, I was thrilled!! This book is designed to draw women closer to their husbands by drawing them closer to God. You can learn more about it here. It has been wonderful!

I'm amazed by the writer's (Jennifer Smith) ability to speak directly into my heart about my marriage. She provides thought provoking, and sometimes convicting, daily devotions with daily challenges to put into practice immediately.

One of the biggest things God has been teaching me the past year or so is that my marriage isn't about making me happy, necessarily, but, rather, about bringing Him glory through my marriage. This devotional has been a great tool in helping me achieve that and keep my perspective in line.

I highly recommend this devotional. In fact, I'm planning to go through it again and would love for you to do it with me! We could have weekly chats, or even quick daily check ins, about how God is working in our marriages. Would you be interested in that?!

If you'd like to purchase the book, you can do so here. Thank you, Jennifer, for the opportunity to review your book! It has already been a tremendous blessing to me and many others to come, I'm sure!

Until next time,

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  1. When I got this book I was so in need of encouragement to be the wife that God wants me to be. It was at a time when if I followed my feelings it could have totally went in the opposite direction. I was desperate to find some answer to help me find reasons and strength to love my husband like God does instead of how I felt I should. I read it in less than 30 days! I would love to go through it slower and really take in the message or discuss it with other wives! Let me know if you are going to do it! Thanks!
    M Zimmer

    1. Hi! Thank you for coming by and sharing some of your story with me!! I love hearing from other people. And yes, I would love to go through it and discuss it. :) Maybe we could shoot for October 1st and follow the calendar through our 30 days.

    2. Hi! I've set up a facebook page for us as we make our way through the devotional beginning Oct 1st. I'm excited to see what God does in our lives and marriages!

  2. I'd love to go through this book with other women! Let us know when/how we can sign up! Will it be through a FB Group Page?

    1. Awesome!! Yes, I think Facebook would probably be easiest. :) I'll get that set up within the next week or so. I'm so excited!!

    2. Hey Marissa! I've set up a facebook page for us to go through the devotional beginning Oct 1. I'm excited to see what God is going to do in our lives and marriages.


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