

One incredible man

Today is my dad's birthday! And he is an incredible of the best that I know.
Father's Day 2013

He is one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know. If there is a need, he's the first one to step up and meet the need, no matter what that need is. He even has a way of anticipating needs and meeting them before they are even spoken.

He is one of the most loving people I know. He and my mom have been happily married for 32 years (and going strong!). That is quite an accomplishment! Sure, they have had ups and downs over the years, but they have always remained faithful and committed to one another. What a beautiful example they have set before Robert and I, and someday my brother, too.

He is the best Papa to my kids. He loves them like no other. Several years ago, my mom and I headed off for a Scentsy convention in Denver. Robert was out of vacation days, so my dad willingly, and excitedly, offered to watch Collin during the day for the 3 days we were gone. Keep in mind, Collin was still in diapers at this point. Sure, one of the diapers was put on backwards. But, they had the best time together!! And once Emma came along, he was really sunk! :) She has had him wrapped around her little finger since we found out we were having a girl. And it is the sweetest thing! They adore their Papa and I adore watching him with them.

He is the best dad I could imagine. Seriously, he is the most perfect dad for me. He has loved me unconditionally. Encouraged me always. Supported me in everything. Welcomed Robert like his own son. Prayed for me always. Just the best. 

He is a man after God's heart. He has always lead our family to Jesus. And I don't mean just going to church and/or going through the motions. I'm talking about actively living out a real relationship with Jesus and showing us how we can have the same. And he's doing the same with my kids now.

I am so grateful to have my dad in my life! I'm thankful for the years we've had and excited about the years to come.

Happy birthday, Dad!!! I love you more than words can say!


  1. Happy birthday to your dad! You're parents are pretty amazing people, and they sure did raise a pretty amazing daughter ;)


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