

Weekend recap

We had another busy weekend, though not quite as busy as last weekend. Friday afternoon, I was able to meet up with a girlfriend from college that I haven't seen in about 10 years. I'm thankful for Facebook and social media for allowing us to stay in touch, but nothing beats personal one on one time. She is as sweet as ever and has adorable kiddos. We very much enjoyed our time at the aquarium together. I just know that if we lived close to each other, our kids would be great friends!


Saturday, Robert got a lot of work done around the house while Emma and I picked up Nana and went shopping for Emma. :) It was a girl's day out shopping. As we approach fall and winter, I needed to get Emma some cold weather clothes. Seriously, I don't know if we're ever going to get cooler temps around here, but if we do, she's prepared! Here's a nice, solid start to her fall wardrobe.
Sunday morning we enjoyed a wonderful service at . We have started a new series called Epic in which we are going through all the major Old Testament Bible stories leading up to the birth of Jesus at Christmas; and then after Christmas we'll go from the birth of Jesus to the Resurrection at Easter. We're just in week two right now and it is a great series thus far! You can always tune in online and hear the weeks message live or archived. Or, if you in the Tulsa area, let me know...I'd love to take you along! We're also starting a community group in our home this coming Sunday night. I'd love to have you join us!! Seriously!
After church, we enjoyed a yummy brunch with my parents at Cheesecake Factory. If you haven't tried the Bruleed French Toast,, you need to!!! It was delish!! After brunch and a fun time wandering Bed, Bath and Beyond with my momma, I was able to go up to the hospital for a bit with Mia and her hubby. The doctors were able to remove Christian's breathing tube and put in a trach instead. It's nice seeing him without all the tubes on his face. Please, please continue to pray for him, Mia, her family and the doctors and nurses. If you're interested in keeping up with everything, here's a link to a Facebook page Mia has set up and regularly updates. Pray for Mayberry!

Until next time,


  1. Thank you for your constant prayers & support & loving me, my brother and family :) We sure love you!


Thank you for leaving me a little note! I love hearing from you!!