

Five on Friday

Last week's Five on Friday was all about Chicago. Well, I'm back from an awesome weekend with Mia and happy to be home with my family. Here's this week's edition.

{one} I'm working on a two part recap of our weekend in Chicago, so come back next week to read about our adventures. We laughed so much! Can't wait to go back!

{two} One of the things I bought in Chicago was a face mask from Lush . I bought the love lettuce mask and really do love it! My face was so soft when I took it off. The only potential negative about it is that you have to use it up within 3 weeks since it's fresh. But, I don't have a problem doing the mask every couple days or so.

{three} Robert and the kids had a great time together while I was away, but they were certainly excited to have me home. That's always good for a momma's heart. :) Even our dog Max was so happy to have me home. He wouldn't leave me side almost all day Monday. One day this week while we were eating lunch, the kids started singing this song to me. "Mommy, I love you. Mommy, I love you, Mommy, I love you...very much" :)
Collin got a little silly once the camera came out. And Emma, she's just a mess...that's lunchtime, folks!
{four} I mentioned yesterday that I need some hair help, so if you have anything to share, please do! :)
{five} This is the first weekend in weeks that I don't have anything planned. I'm really looking forward to a lazy Saturday with the fam...enjoying the cool, fall weather. Perfection!
What are your weekend plans?


  1. I love lush!!! Weekend plans: Long run, I get to see my parents and siblings, church and relax with the hubs!

  2. yay! found you on the linkup and happy to be following along! love reading about other Jesus following mamas before i become a mama one day!!! so thanks in advance for the Truth and the wisdom, girlie!!

    happy friday!

  3. I love how we both blogged about how excited our dogs were to see us after Chicago lol! Your kids melt my hear too by the way <3


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