

Midweek ramblings

Well, I'm back from Chicago. Mia and I had SUCH a great time in the city!! I'm working on a couple posts to share with you about our two days there. Don't want you to miss a thing, ya know. :) In a nutshell, we laughed....and laughed and laughed and laughed. Just what the soul needed.

And now I'm home and getting back in the grind of things. It's not very often that Mommy goes away for any amount of time. So, when I do, it's kind of a big deal. But, I made sure to have things all ready and prepped for the fam while I was away. Robert is a GREAT dad, but I still wanted to have things all laid out and prepared for him so he didn't have to think of a thing, other than enjoying his time with the kiddos. Things went smoothly on this end and I received several pics of the fun they were having.

After our weekend trip, I felt refreshed and ready to get back at I could fully engage again and be the best mommy I can to Collin and Emma. I'm realizing more and more how important it is to get away and refresh...with my husband and my friends. Robert and I certainly need that time for our marriage, but, after this weekend, I fully understand the importance of getting away with friends, too. So, I'm hoping that we can make some kind of yearly "commitment" to getting away together and with friends.

What ways to do get away and refresh? Even if it's not a trip someplace. Do you have anything you do everyday to unwind from the day?


  1. It is for sure needed! It is amazing how warn down you can feel and how refreshed you feel afterwards. Just feel like you can take on the world afterwards!

  2. Best trip ever, just the recharge we needed!


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