


I'm linking up today with Courtney Defeo, Blue Eyed Bride and Kelly's Korner to share #onebigtruth God has been teaching me.
I buy into the lie, far too often, that I am not enough. I am not enough for my husband, my kids, my family, my friends...HIM. And it can be crippling and all consuming when I believe this lie. It causes me to stay focused on myself and what I may (or may not, in reality) be lacking. It causes me to strive for things I do not need to be striving for. But it is just that....a LIE!

Jesus says I am enough. Not because of what I've done...or not done. But because He loves me...and He loved me first! I am even enough that He gave His life for me on the cross, just so He could spend eternity with me!! And I am enough that He promises to never leave or forsake me!

That is one big truth that He continues to teach me every single day. To Him, I am enough. And through Him, I am enough for my husband, my kids, my family, my friends.

What is your one big truth?


  1. Thanks for sharing this. What a wonderful truth this is!! I know I need to remember this...perhaps a dozen times a day.

  2. it is such a LIE and i believe it so so often. thanks for the great reminder.

  3. Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to check out your link ups :)

  4. Love it! I believe this so often. But He is crazy about us and we are exactly where we are supposed to be!


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