

A Few of my Favorite Things

I'm linking up with Elise @ cheers y'all and Jen @ Down with the Dearmores' to bring you My Favorite Things this Christmas.

{one} I'm loving this coffee mug and spoon. Being the coffee addict I am, this would be the perfect Christmas gift. You can find the mug here and the spoon here

{two} I recently bought a great new desk, which you can see here , but still need a desk chair for it. I'm thinking this one or this one would be perfect. Which do you like?

 {three} I have been on the hunt for new bedding for our bedroom. We have a gray/deep purple color scheme going on in there. Bless Robert's heart for letting me do purple. :) He's a good man. I'm really like this one from Target and this one from Kohl's. Which is your favorite?


 {four}I'd love to have a rug in our den. We have carpet in there, which someday we'll replace with hardwood, but for now the quality of the carpet is great! Unfortunately, it's cream colored carpet, which with kids and pets doesn't work too well. I'm liking this one  from Target.

{five} Now, you might find this unbelievable, or maybe you don't have one either, but we don't have an iPad. I'd really love one, though. So, that's my big wishlist item this year for Christmas. (It looks like Best Buy will have a good Black Friday sale on them, but no way will I be standing in line!)

So, these are some of my favorite things/wish list. What are some of yours?


  1. Girl, I'm rooting for you and that iPad!

  2. We don't have an ipad either! My father-in-law was so shocked when we said we didn't have one. He said he might get us one for Christmas! :)

  3. Such fun things! Love the rug-we are in need of several rugs at our house!

    1. We could definitely use one in our living room too...cream carpet is just not condusive to children & pets...

  4. Love that spoon! I got one for Chad last valentines day that said "let's spoon"! So cute!

  5. bedding is on my list as well! I think I love the ruffle looking one and that first desk chair I keep going back to!!

  6. We don't have an iPad either! I've never been able to justify buying one because we both have laptops that we use at home and we both have smart phones we use when we're on the go.. so I'm not sure why we need an iPad, too?! As for the chair for your office, I love the second one! And for your bedroom, I love the second bed set as well!

    1. Glad we're not alone! Our laptop is on its way out, I do believe, but an iPad could get us by for awhile. I'd still want a computer to put pics on but with little ones an iPad would be pretty fun, especially on trips.

    2. Oh and the second chair matches my desk lap perfectly!!!

  7. We don't have an iPad either! I can my laptop with me ALL around the house too. IPad would be useful. New follower here :)

    Tattered to Taylored

  8. love both the chairs!! so fun to bring in a funky print on a chair! good thinkin, love.
    and bed wise...eeeek! conflicted bc i always go for grays, BUT i ADORE the texture of the purples. and you can always jazz it up with some throw pillows. so my vote goes to...(EEEK!) purple. i feel like i just offended my love for the color gray. it was weird. HA!

    thanks for linking up with us, girlfraaaaand!!! you. are. the. BEST!

  9. Visiting from the link up! I LOVE that "a little bit of coffee and a lot of Jesus" spoon!! Need to get that in my life asap. I like the grey bedset the best! For some reason it looks more cozy than the purple!

  10. I love those spoons. So cute! And you will love an iPad. Great for snuggling under a blanket in front of a fire with your iPad. Thanks for visiting!

  11. Definitely get the iPad they're so convenient for when you're sitting on the couch or when you need to read a recipe from Pinterest!


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