

It's Friday!!

Yay, it's Friday!! And a snowy one at that! So, snowy, in fact, that Robert even has a snow day today. :) I'm linking up with Darci (and the other lovely Five on Friday ladies) and Lauren Elizabeth .  I've been a bit down this week with a cold, so here's my top 5(ish) pics from the week.

{one} My Aunt and Uncle were in town for Thanksgiving, so we had a BIG family get together on Saturday. My cousin and his wife have three kiddos (two boys and a girl) and our kids love playing together. How cute are Hailey and Emma here?! :)

{two} Collin, sweet Collin. He knew I wasn't feeling good but saw I was still trying to get things done around the house. So, after asking me all the things I needed to do, he said "Mommy, can I dust for you?" Melt my heart!! You sure can! Thank you sweet boy!

{three} We had a good time coloring Christmas pictures and I posted about delicious apple pie pork chops !

{four} Yesterday it started snowing and Collin loved watching it come down.
{five} And today we enjoyed a snow day with daddy!! His work was closed down, so we decided to have a family outing to the movies to watch Frozen. What a cute movie!!

So there's a quick peek into some of our week. {I wanna make a little disclaimer. I feel like I post more pictures of Collin than Emma. It might be true that I do, for now, only because the little stinker refuses to let me snap a picture of her. I'm hoping those days are quickly coming to an end. Whew, ok I feel better now.}

*Also, don't forget to check out the Christmas giveaway I'm hosting with the lovely ladies at MakeMeUpMia and Katie Elizabeth!
Do you have any highlights from your week? Or exciting weekend plans?


  1. eeeeee! enjoy the snow, my love!!! it's 78 here today...ick! doesn't feel right for december!!!

  2. Sorry that you are not feeling too well! Hopefully you will feel better soon! The highlight of my week was the snow!

    1. Thanks Cassie! I'm certainly on the mend, there's just never a good time for mommy to be sick. Have a great weekend & stay warm!

  3. I found your post over on Lauren's link up, I had to come say hi because my Mom's maiden name is Strong! It's not a name you hear too often. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. I'm so glad you did!! "Hi!" to you! :) I hope you have a great weekend.

  4. I'm kind of jealous of all this snow you're getting!! Sounds like it was a fun snow day! Hope you're feeling better and have a great weekend! :)


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