

Be His Church

For the past several weeks months, the girls and I have been making our way through Acts, studying the first church. It has been good for me to see the church as God designed it and study what my role is within the church body today. I've certainly learned a thing or two about what the church is...and is not.

For starters, the Church is not a specific church, but rather the body of Christ (born again believers) as a whole. To me, this is an incredibly important truth as some churches have the mind set of "us 4, no more" and if you're not a member of that church, you're essentially an "outcast"...or made to feel that way. Not at all what Scripture teaches us. {Romans 12:4}

The Church is not a place of condemnation, but rather a place of grace. We are all sinners, but sometimes we have a tendency to look at others sin as worse than our own. We see in Scripture that all sin is repulsive to God, no matter how minor or major the offense. {Romans 5:20}

The Church is not a place for the elite, but rather a place for all. Sometimes we see a particular mindset within the church that if you don't look the part, you're not welcome. We see in Scripture that Jesus went not to the religious leaders, but rather to the outcast and forsaken in society and welcomed them with open arms. {Luke 19:1-10}

The Church is not a place you go once a week, but rather a lifestyle of daily worship and service to the One True King. All too often, we can get wrapped up in going through the motions and playing church, but we see that what the Church really is and does is live it out every day, getting down and dirty in the trenches of life. {Joshua 22:5}

The Church is not a place of rules, but rather a place of love. All too often, churches impose rules and expectations upon new (and old) believers, or those searching for Christ, that nobody can maintain and that are not found in Scripture. We need to love others and disciple them in the Word and then let God do the rest. Let God show others what they need to change in their lives. {Romans 5:8}

The Church is not a place of gossip, but rather a place of prayer. All throughout Acts, you see the church (body) coming together in prayer, calling upon the power of God to work and move among them. There is tremendous power in prayer that we all too often forsake for a more "hands on" approach to life and our problems. {Acts 1:14}

These are all things that I need to work on myself. This year, I want to focus more on Jesus and live how He desires that I live. I want to be the church wherever I go, whatever I do. 

*Don't forget about our second Thankful Thursday link up this Thursday! We'd love for you to join us!


  1. We started "The Story" this week. Seeing how I was not raised in the church I know some of the stories like Noah but I did not know the details. I learned so many things in chapter 1 and am looking forward to learning more in each chapter! What better time to seek Jesus more :)

    1. You know what I love about the Bible, I was raised in church and heard the stories like Noah many, many times. Yet, we started a new series called Epic at back in August and we've been going through the major stories of the Bible. I'm AMAZED at how much I'm learning from stories I've read before. There is just ALWAYS something to learn. Love it!!

  2. You are such a great leader Kristal, I love doing our weekly studies with you!

    1. Well, you know how I feel about that but thank you! Y'all are very patient and gracious with me as we learn together! :)

  3. You have such a great way with words! I love this. It's important to remember that we go to church to be nearer to God.. it is hard to not get caught up in church "politics" sometimes, unfortunately. Thanks for the reminder :)

    1. Thanks, Katie!! You're is way too easy. I need the reminder myself, hence the post. :)

  4. WONDERFUL insight Kristal!! I wonder what our world would look like if we Christians....really would learn to show GRACE daily to others rather than judgment, live a Godly lifestyle EVERY DAY of each week rather than just "playing" church on Sundays, truly LOVE as God loves and seek a truly committed, intimate relationship with Christ through fervent prayer?? I believe that "if" we all would learn to look past the end of our own noses and delve into scripture and study to find out what GOD'S WORD says for ourselves....we would be amazed and changed as Christ shows us His Truth!! Thanks honey for sharing!!! Great thought provoking wisdom!! Love you!!


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