

What I love: Essential Oils

I love essential oils. My mom introduced me to them about a year and a half ago and the more I use them and learn about them, the more I love them. Let me just say first off, I have great respect for modern medicine and all that Dr.'s can do for us, but God has made our bodies so incredibly, that with the right tools, our bodies can often heal themselves. (I'm not talking about life threatening situations, but rather common ailments we all face.)

As a mom, few things are more frustrating than watching your sick baby/child and being helpless to do anything about it. That's what first drew me to the essential oils. I hated when the kids would get a cold and not be able to breath, but have to let the bug run it's course, thus making them miserable. And then I was introduced to essential oils. They have been wonderful! Being able to use oils that I know are safe for them and offer them relief is amazing!

There have been a couple times that Emma has complained about an ear ache, so I've started using an oil on her to treat/prevent an ear infection and within a day, she stops complaining about her ears hurting. Or, rubbing a little lavender oil on the kids before they go to bed and having them sleep through the night...soundly. Or, seeing signs of a cold coming on and having an oil to rub on them to prevent the cold from getting any worse. Or, if they already have the sickness, not only rubbing it on them, but diffusing it into the air to provide over night relief.

Honestly, I can't say enough good about essential oils. And not just for the kids, but for myself (and Robert), too! I have this awesome book that is my go to for any kind of sickness/ailment. Seriously, this books lists practically everything and suggests the best oils to use and the different ways to use them.

If you're interested in essential oils, I'd be happy to answer any questions. Or, you can visit my mom's Do Terra website at and browse around there.

Or, you can check out my Simply Aroma website at Simply Aroma is a new essential oil company that offers 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. {I'll be honest, most of my experience with essential oils are with the Do Terra oils, however, I'm switching over to the Simply Aroma oils.}

Finally, I want you to know that my intention is not to sell you any oils, but rather to share my love of them with you. I am a believer in essential oils! Have you tried essentials oils for yourself? Or know about who uses them?


  1. We love oils too! We use some young living oils. We were using one and never got more when it was gone. Within a week we could tell a difference in our health! We only have about 5 oils that we use but I want to get more into them at some point!

    1. I started with a little family physician kit that had a great selection of the most commonly used oils for a family. I've added to my collection, too, as I find what I like best. But I'm just so happy I was introduced to them!

  2. I'm definitely going to need to really try some of these out :)

  3. YES GIRL! You and I both. (Of course!) You are after my own heart!!! I'm excited to learn all that I can before I become a mama one day!!! (And keep learning then still too! :))

    1. They have been so helpful to use with and for my babies!! I'm excited for you to know about them beforehand!! :)

  4. Just curious why you started using the Simple Aroma over the DoTerra? I have some DoTerra, but use Heritage because they are not a multi-level company and their prices were more in line with what I wanted and I had a bunch of friends who use them.

    1. Well, I won't eliminate Do Terra completely. I'll probably use a mix of both, actually. For instance, I use the skin care line with Do Terra and I plan to continue using it. With Simply Aroma, though, I was presented an opportunity to join this new company as a consultant and since I was already using oils, I figured I had nothing to lose.

  5. Ahh this is something I DEFINITELY want to get into!! I've been noticing them at a grocery store we visit occasionally and have been wondering about them. Glad to hear they work for you guys! Next time I'm at the store I'm going to pick one up!


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