

Game Night

It's no secret that I can be a bit competitive. I enjoy trash talking, though I have definitely been known to eat my words, and I absolutely want to win. I'm not crazy aggressive to where you wouldn't want to play with me, though, all in good fun. :)

When Robert & I were dating & engaged, we loved to play card games. We'd play by ourselves or with friends, but at some point every weekend, and often throughout the week too, we'd enjoy a game night together.

Through the busyness of life, we haven't enjoyed game night together as regularly as in the early days. But every once in a while, we enjoy a cutthroat game of Speed or Dutch Blitz.

This past weekend we enjoyed just that! We spiced it up a bit & enjoyed chocolate fondue with fruit {and some animal crackers thrown in, that's how we roll} and played Speed & Dutch Blitz

What about you? What are some of your favorite games to play? Do you have a favorite at home date night?

*I found this quote after I wrote this post and thought it was perfect! :)



  1. Love it, it's so important to always continue on with the fun times and alone times. I want fondue!

  2. I am the least competitive person ever-- which sometimes works out well because my husband is the most competitive person ever! One of the first times we were at my parents house we were playing scrabble and he was upset my mom was helping my brother because it wasn't fair. hahaha :) I went through a big phase of playing hearts, spades, and euchre, but now that you mention card games I haven't really played any in a while unless you count cribbage!

  3. I LOOOOOVVEEE games. So much. Never heard of Dutch Blitz till now! My favorites are celebrity (or "Fish Bowl"), Scattegories, Scrabble, and Catchphrase!!! :)

  4. Good reminder! Great quote as well. I believe it is true :)

  5. Sounds like a fun night to me! I LOVE Catchphrase and will do just about anything to get a game together when we have people over. I actually have to of the handheld games in case we have to switch it up! The games always end up with everyone yelling answers and laughing at the wrong guesses. Have you every played Cards Against Humanity? I've heard good things, but haven't bought it yet.

  6. Love this- you two are fabulous! We love scrabble and need to unpack our games!

  7. "Do what you did in the beginning of a relationship and there won't be an end" YES-I totally agree with this!

  8. Love game nights! We don't play games just the two of us but try and host a game night with our friends every couple of months! Our favorite is Catch Phrase :)

  9. Oh how I wish my hubby liked to play games! He says his competitive sister ruined playing games for him when he was younger lol. I like the idea of a game night with friends, we should totally do that!

  10. SO fun! My robert and I love playing card game together as well! Our favorite is Nertz:)

  11. Love that quote! It's so true. Game nights are always a blast!


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