

Halfway there....20 weeks!!!

That's right...I'm halfway there!!! YAY!!! One exciting thing happened last night. I was sitting in our recliner just lounging and Colin was moving like crazy. So I put my hand on my belly to see if I could feel him from the outside and I most definitely did. So then I though, "Hmm, I wonder if I can see him kick yet?" So I lifted my shirt and just watched my belly for a little bit. Sure enough, I saw, and definitely felt, the little guy kick!! That was so cool!!!


  1. oh, man! feeling the baby kick is the best!! I miss it!

  2. you look so great! and you are just like me.... showing a lot so early on... it's great. :)

  3. You look awesome!! Yippee for seeing him move and for being half-way there!!

  4. You little cutie! I look forward to your blog each week. Love seeing that baby bump progress. I'm glad you're finally starting to look a little pregnant.

  5. AWESOME!!!!! I can see him kicking the winning field goal in the BCS Championship game for the Buckeyes some day!!!! Gotta love my Grandson.

  6. Buckeyes! This is the land of crimson and cream-wait for it. . . When I say "BOOMER!" you say "SOONER!"

  7. Yes, although this is Boomer Sooner land, we are undeniably Buckeyes. :) And I will do everything I can to make our little guy one too!

  8. Yay for movement! Isn't it amazing?? I can't believe you're halfway there! WOW. You look fantastic!


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