

Exciting news!

As some of you know, Robert and I have been seriously looking for a car for the last few months. However, we have wanted to be wise in our decision and not live above our means, especially with our little guy coming. So, we have been a little picky and haven't budged from our price range which has made finding what we're looking for a little difficult. God provided for us though, and yesterday we bought a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4X4!! Woo-hoo!!! This is very exciting for us because it moves us one step closer to being prepared for Collin to join us! Thank you God for helping us to be patient and wait for You to show us which vehicle to buy!!

On a different note, we have slightly changed Collin's name. Just the spelling of his name, that is. Most of you know my family and how we all love to tease each other, all in good fun. Well, my dad and grandpa have especially been teasing us about Collin's name and calling him colon. Not good! So we were all at lunch yesterday for my mom's birthday and Collin came up. We were talking about the spelling and how Robert and I had decided to spell it with only one 'l'. Unfortunately, this just convinced my dad and grandpa all the more to call him colon. So after much thought and consideration, we have decided to spell his name with two "l's" so as not to cause confusion that his name is Collin and NOT colon!! Ahh, gotta love family! :)


  1. Woo Hoo! I am so thrilled for you guys! Isn't it amazing how God works things out? Have fun with your new SUV!!

  2. Family - gotta love 'em! Whatever way you spell it, he'll be one very loved boy. Congrats on the car. Did you say what color it is? I'm going to have to go back and look. I love Jeep Laredo. Sporty but good for a family.

  3. Yes, God is good and has worked so many things out for us especially since being pregnant. He continues to blow my mind!!

    No, I didn't mention the color. It's silver with tinted windows. Yes, it's sporty which Robert loves and since it's a 4X4 he says he'll be able to take it camping too, plus it'll be great for lugging around all of little Collin's goodies. Man, who could imagine how much you need/want for a baby!? Whew!

  4. Yay for the car!! I'm glad it worked out!! Collin (two l's) will have a sweet ride now! :) Congrats!!

  5. Congrats on your new purchase! That's very exciting! I had bought a Toyota Rav 4 right before the birth of my first daughter & loved it. But after she was born, I realized a mini-van would be much more practical. So I broke down & bought one - NEVER thought I would own a mini-van. It ended up being the best purchase ever for our family. Now my girls are older & I was able to get rid of the mom mobile last summer - second best purchase ever ;-)


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