

21 weeks

Week 21. We had lunch with our small group today which was so nice because it has been way too long since we've all been together! The only thing is, is that Robert and I are the only ones waiting on our little guy to arrive. Everybody else was there with their babies. Needless-to-say, Robert and I left there saying to each other, "We're very ready for Collin to be here with us!" "Is it March yet?" Just a little longer and then we can snuggle with our little one.

We go to the specialist tomorrow for our follow up appointment. Everything should go well and this should be our last appointment with him. Although our doctor did say not to worry if he decides to see us again. I guess he likes to follow his patients pretty close, even if he doesn't see anything abnormal. He just likes to make sure everything stays normal. I must admit, as long as everything still looks good tomorrow, I wouldn't mind going back again because that means we'll have another ultrasound and see our little guy growing!!


  1. small group was definitely different today...but so much fun! March will be here before you know seems like yesterday we were all sitting in our kitchen and you announced you were pregnant and now you're at 21 weeks!

  2. Caleb loved resting in your arms yesterday! Just imagine that you're getting LOTS of practice before Collin arrives! :) March will be here before you know it. And you look amazing, by the way. All tummy and it's adorable! How did the appointment go??

  3. Thanks for sharing your belly news. It's a lot of fun to see you progressing in your pregnancy. Hope your appointment with the specialist went well.


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