


Yesterday we visited with the specialist. Robert and I were excited about this visit because we were having another ultrasound but yet not excited because the doctor is very "different", if you know what I mean. He's terribly difficult to read, especially when he's explaining things to you or asking questions. Luckily, before we saw him a nurse did our ultrasound. She was great!! She told us everything she was looking at and why, which was completely different from our first visit with the doctor. As she was looking, she was telling us that everything was looking great and that we had a beautiful baby. *Hehe, we liked hearing that but really how beautiful can a baby be on an ultrasound? Don't get me wrong, Robert and I already think he's beautiful but certainly she was just saying that to be nice.* So after she had looked over everything, taken measurements, certainly confirmed Collin is in fact a boy, and told us that we were right on schedule for our projected due date she said that the doctor would be in to do an ultrasound and visit with us.

So he came in and we did another ultrasound. Like our last visit, he didn't talk the entire time he was looking around which I found rather annoying. Could you at least say something about our baby?! He finished up and told us that overall Collin's kidneys were looking good. However, his collecting system was dilated a bit, not to the point of concern but it was a little dilated. The collecting system is where his kidney is connected to his ureter (sp?). Now, he went on to tell us that he has a theory that boys always have dilated collecting systems because of progesterone. He also said that if they had taken an ultrasound of my kidneys when I first found out I was pregnant that my collecting system would be dilated because of the increase in progesterone. As you can imagine, he's telling us all this and Robert and I are just listening trying to figure out is this a problem? should we be concerned? or is he just throwing out all this doctor jargin and getting us worked up for nothing? All the while, he is looking at us as if we should be saying something or like we are receiving terrible news and should reacting a certain way, while we are simply trying to process what exactly he's telling us.

Therefore, I point blank asked him, Is he ok? Should we be worried about this? He said no, everything is looking good and that telling us about this dilation is going to cause us more worry than is probably necessary. Ok, thanks mister! However, he does want to see us back in 5 weeks to make sure that it hasn't become worse. If it doesn't change or gets worse throughout the remainder of my pregnancy, Collin will need to have an ultrasound right after he is born to see how his kidney's look and then we'll go from there. If the dilation improves, that's great. Nothing more will need to happen. I say all this to say, overall Collin looks good. He has two arms, two legs, 10 fingers and 10 toes. His heart looks good. His brain looks good. Everything is working properly. But he has a slight dilation of his collecting system, which the doctor is expecting to not be an issue. Overall, we have a healthy little guy who likes to move and grove inside his momma's belly. If you think about, though, please keep us in your prayers, specifically that this dilation is indeed nothing to worry about and goes away on it's own.


  1. gosh! what an awkward Dr.! we'll be praying for you!

  2. Well, it sounds like good news to me. Will certainly pray for good health for mama and son. Thanks for the update.

  3. Aidan had the same problem with dilated kidneys. It never got worse and was fine after he was born.

  4. Hey Kristal and Robert....We are so glad we were sent this site so we can keep up with ya'all. It was fun reading all the past entries. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love you guys!....Deb, Rick, and Jake....PS. We will pass this info on to Nicole.

  5. Geesh!! What a nebulous doctor!! I'm thinking his "bedside manner" is a little shabby. Geez. I'm glad everything is going well, though!! Yay for little Collin!!

  6. Sounds like things are going to be A-okay, but we will definitely keep praying. When doctors talk like that I always think maybe they haven't been on the "other side" to realize what they sound like. Hang in there - your little Collin will be in your arms before you know it! Love you!


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