

Five on Friday!

Whew!! What a week it's been. So very busy! I haven't blogged once since last Friday and let me tell ya, I've missed blogging and you!! Have you missed me?! :)  I'm excited to get back to blogging as usual so let's get started...

{one} Robert is home!! He arrived safe and sound Sunday around lunch and to say we were all so happy to see him is a huge understatement!! We were thrilled! I'm so happy he was able to go to Alaska and enjoy what he enjoys. He had one scary incident, but thoroughly enjoyed his time roughing it. I feel like it was good for our relationship, too. Sometimes it's easy to get set in the routine of things and miss the beauty of the everyday in our relationship, but having him gone for a little over a week reminded us both how much we love, love being married to each other and walking everyday together. Good trip, indeed!


{two} Before our men arrived home, though, Mia and I had the best time together last week. She is a real gem, y'all! I am so very blessed to call her a best friend! We enjoyed dinners at home, dog rescuing adventures, lots of loving on my kiddos and, finally, a girls night out that included dinner, conversation and a little shopping! We had a great time together!
{three} Remember last week when I told you about our schoolroom and that my MIL and I were working on taking wallpaper down and getting it all ready to re-do?! Well, we made great progress! The wallpaper came down surprisingly easy, thank the Lord!! We decided to texture two of the walls, though. It would have been a lot easier to texture than get them perfectly smooth. Plus, I like the texture. Once Robert got home, he took down these homemade planter-like light boxes the previous owner had installed. I really didn't want to keep them, but I didn't think they would be able to come down without tearing up the wall. But, Robert to the rescue again!! :) So, after that, we finished prepping the walls for the texture and sprayed the walls Monday. Wow! Let me tell you, that texture is STINKY!!! But, it looks good and the smell has finally dissipated. Next up, painting. We picked a color for the two side walls. But for the main wall, I'd like to do white-board paint. I'm pretty sure I saw that somewhere. Have you ever heard of it or used it? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
 We've decided on the blue gray on the left. Like it?!
{four} Again from last week is my desk. Oh, I'm LOVING it!! When Mia and I went shopping Saturday night, I picked up a great light and picture. My little "office area" is coming together so nicely and is so comfortable and cozy! I love it!!
I'm still wanting a new desk chair, but this is working for now. This is the one I have in mind. It's almost exactly the opposite of the lamp shade, since you can't see the detail of the shade.
{five} Finally, what would a post be without my kiddos?! :) Friday night we went over to my parents for a big family dinner with my cousins, aunt and uncle, grandparents and, of course, my crew. There were a lot of people! But, the kids (and grandparents) got to swim and had a great time. Collin is such a little fish in the pool! He amazes me with how much better and stronger of a swimmer he becomes every time he gets in the pool. I seriously wonder if he'll be on a swim team someday. It's early, though, so we'll see how his love of swimming develops.
Oh, that face, that boy! Love him!!
Grammy and Emma!
Since when did he start diving?!
Nana and Papa helping Emma get in on the action, too!
So, there's my week in a quick review. It's good to be back blogging, even though it's only been a week. :) I hope you've had a good week and have a fun weekend ahead!!
Until next time,
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  1. Ha the dog rescuing!! I am blessed to have you as a bestie too, I sure had a great week with your and your beautiful kids <3



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