

A heart of gratitude

Tomorrow is November 1st! Can you believe it?! I love this time of year...yummy comfort food, lots of family time, focusing on what matters and Who matters. I love it!

Sometimes I feel like November and the season of Thankfulness is overlooked by Christmas and the Christmas season. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas. But I also LOVE the Thanksgiving season. What a great time to slow down and reflect on everything we have to be thankful for. And I'm pretty sure we all have a lot more to be thankful for than we may realize.

Gratitude and thankfulness is something Robert and I want to instill in Collin and Emma from the get go. It's so interesting watching our human nature and our tendency to be selfish and ungrateful even from such a young age. This is something we certainly need to learn and grow deep in our hearts.

Last year we decided to write down something everyday in November that we're thankful for. That was quite fun. Some days were pretty superficial and other days were deeper. But I believe everything, whether surface level or deep, is good to be thankful for...and we need to be thankful for it all. Plus, it will be fun later in life to pull out those pieces of paper and see what we were thankful for over the years and remember where we were in life at that particular point.

But, I want that gratitude and thankfulness to go farther than just November...for my kids and myself. So, what are some things you do to slow yourself down and be thankful for everyday, no matter what?


  1. When I go on runs I thank God for all the wonderful things in my life before I move on to other kinds of prayers.

  2. yes girl! i love this!!! your heart echos my longing to make the rest of 2013 about gratitude + a focus on Him (the SOURCE and OWNER of everything we're thankful for!!!!). i will certainly join you in this lovely month of gratitude, pretty lady!


  3. Love the idea of writing down something you are thankful for each day! Gratefulness and thankfulness can so easily be pushed to the way side that sometimes it's helpful to literally write it out so our hearts can focus on what is important. I'm so happy November is here - I love everything about it!

  4. Love this, I was just thinking last night about what I could do in the month of Nov to be intentional in thanking the Lord for all our blessings :)

  5. Have a great November! You're right, we have a lot to be thankful for!

  6. Love the idea of jotting down your thankfulness everyday! And you are so right that this season gets looked over by the next...thanks for the reminder AND thanks for linking up :)


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