

Five on Friday

{one} Today is November 1st!! Yay! As I talked about yesterday, I really love this Thanksgiving season we're in now. Actually, I think November and December might actually be my favorite months of the year. What about you? Do you have a favorite month(s)?

{two} Well, since yesterday was Halloween, I thought I'd share some pics of our fun. I didn't dress up, but my hubby did! He's the best and keeps me laughing all the time. Can you guess who he is?

{three} Collin and Emma went as Batman and Minnie Mouse. I don't have a good pic of them showing their costumes, though. Minnie Mouse isn't feeling too well and wasn't into trick or treating too much this year. But, here they are with their loot from Nana and Papa and Gram and Gramps. (And Nana's dog Bella trying to snag a treat for herself. Clearly, Collin wasn't having it.:)

{four} And then this year, my parents even dressed up! That was a fun, fun surprise. Emma wasn't too sure about who they were at first. They looked so good!
Pharaoh and Cleopatra
{five} I've talked before about how much we love our home and are so thankful for God bringing us here. Something fun that we've been enjoying this week are deer in our neighbors back yard! We have a fence, so they can't get into our yard, but it has been fun watching them back there. The first night I saw them when I let Max out to potty, there were 6-8 of them. They startled me, actually, because I was not expecting to see them. Since then, there have been 2 the consistently come back at night and stay until morning. So fun. :)
I hope you have a great weekend!! And kick off your season of Thankfulness today! :)


  1. It looks like you guys had a fun Halloween! :)

  2. I love November and December too!!! Is your husband dressed up as Bill Lumbergh from Office Space? We love that movie.

  3. Your parents look GREAT and Collin and Emma look adorable :)

  4. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that saying as noted in #1. That is so VERY TRUE...GREAT thought provoking question! Thanks for sharing! Love ya honey!

  5. Your parents look awesome! Love that they got into Halloween! We didn't do anyyyything this year. We don't even get any trick-or-treaters in our apartment building which is a little sad. I have a feeling Halloween is much more fun to celebrate with kids!

  6. I love this time of year too, I am so glad that it's finally here! And how fun that your parents dressed up!


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