

Thankful in the Unknown

As I eluded to last week , my plan this month is to focus on being grateful for all things, in all things. And today it was put on my heart to remain thankful during those seasons of 'the unknown'. This may sound strange, even go against our nature, but we have a unique opportunity to remain grateful, even when we don't know what's coming next. Well, that is, those who know HIM have the opportunity to remain grateful during the unknown.
There are a lot of things that can happen to us, or to our loved ones, that are down right scary and, apart from Him, unbearable. But, praise Jesus, that He is always in control and nothing takes Him by surprise.

So, whatever you're facing today, I hope you find the peace that only He can give. I hope you put your trust fully in Him. 
Do you find it difficult to face the unknown? Are you able to trust in Him or do you turn to something else?



  1. I NEEDED this encouragement today!! Thank you so much for posting! I do have a very difficult time in trusting Him with the unknown. Lately, I have had a huge sense of worry about my health and my family's health. I think as a mom, we just always want to be with our families. Will keep these verses in mind when those fears come about!

  2. smiled the whole time i read through this!!! love you girl!!

  3. Wise words and a great reminder from a beautiful lady ;)

  4. So so true! Sometimes worry about the unknown can over take our joy if we are not careful. That is why we must continually give things to Him to take care of!


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