

It takes a village

You know the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, I believe that's true. And I also believe it takes a village to do life. I am so very thankful for the village around me, near and far. God has blessed me with an incredible support system, and I try my best not to take that for granted.

I've been a wife for 7 1/2 years. While I have certainly learned a thing or two along the way, I'm grateful for the precious wives, some who have been married much longer than me, others who haven't been married quite as long yet, that God has placed in my life to encourage me, challenge me and walk with me along this journey.

I've been a mom for 4 1/2 years, and sometimes I still feel like a brand new mom. And in some regards, I am. I'm facing things with Collin (and sometimes Emma, too) that I have never faced before. Learning new things. Growing always. And it can be scary sometimes, being a mother. But I have a wonderful support system here, too. From my mom and mother-in-law, fellow moms and friends who aren't yet moms, they encourage me and support me always.

I am not perfect and I don't have perfect people in my life, but I do have people that love me. People who challenge and call me out when needed. People who comfort me when I need comforted. People who encourage me when I need encouraged. People God has placed along my path for a specific reason. And I am grateful.

And if you are reading this blog, I am grateful for you! Grateful that you would take the time to read my words.


  1. I can only imagine what it takes to raise little ones. I will be so grateful for my village when the time comes too!

  2. Love this! I'm sure all of these people in your life are just as grateful for everything you do too :) Have a great day!

  3. Oh Kristal! You are sooo special!! In soooo many ways, & this just goes to prove it AGAIN!!! I DO love you & all your family so much...just like they were my own!!! oh, wait guess maybe they kinda But, you know what I mean!! You all are VERY special to me, & I hope you know that!!! I appreciate all of your blogs, your words of encouragement to so many, & even to old farts like me!! Means alot!! Love you sweety!!!!!

  4. oh Krissy, you are so special!!! You & your whole family!! You know I love you...all of you just like my own...oh wait...I guess you are kinda my you know what I mean!! You are one of a kind my dear...a VERY SPECIAL kind!!! I love how you give so much encouragement to others, young & old....old like me..even I appreciate that!! So, it's good that you get it back too! :-) Love you soooo much sweety!!

  5. YES!!! completely with you in agreeing that it takes a village to do life! God created us to be in comunity with each other! YESSS!!! also you KNOW i love those titus 2 verses!!! amen amen amen! :)

  6. Grateful to have you in my life and grateful you allow me to be a part of you and your family :) Love you all!


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