

Five on Friday

It's time for another round of Five on Friday!

{one} This past weekend we decided to switch Emma over to a "big girl bed." Her crib converts into a full size headboard that we're going to use sooner than later, but the weather has turned cool enough overnight that I hated how she would always uncover herself. I worried that she was getting cold, so the solution...transition her to a "toddler bed" with real sheets. So far, so good. She has figured out now that she can get out of bed during nap time and play, so that's been interesting. I let her play for awhile the other day and found her like this when I checked on her. She wore herself out. :) Sweet girl!! Growing so fast!
{two} As I just mentioned, it's finally feeling like fall around here and I'm loving it! Actually, Saturday I just couldn't get warmed up, so we turned on the fire in the morning and I enjoyed some hot chocolate that afternoon. It was such a cozy day at home!

{three} I'm loving my "arm candy". Mia and I picked up some matching bracelets in Chicago, so every time I look down I'm reminded of our great trip. I love seeing my Pray for Mayberry bracelet, too. He is always close to my heart, but seeing the bracelet always reminds to me to lift up a prayer for him. And then, of course, being the Fossil junkie I am, I'm obsessed with my watch.

{four} Remember when I told you about Auntie Neighbor?! Well, she has done it again! She randomly sends my kids care packages, which they, of course, love. I love it, too, but not because she sends my kids gifts, but, rather, the reason behind sending those gifts. She loves them. She's awesome! I have the best friends and the way they love my kids blows me away! God has blessed me so!

{five} So, one of the biggest things I love about blogging is the community! And this weekly linkup has been such a great way to connect with other bloggers and I'm grateful for that! Through this linkup, last week I was able to get hooked up with a couple bloggers that I'm so very grateful to have connected with. You should totally check them out, too, if you haven't already...Elise @ cheers y'all and Slice of Life. And while you're at it, check out Cassie @ True Agape. She has a great blog all about marriage.

What's your top five for the week? Or do you have anything exciting planned for the weekend?


  1. Like your bling! Such a sweet neighbor! Sometimes we don't realize just how much our small actions mean to others. Thanks for the mention! I am so excited about our meet up! :D

  2. Thanks for the shout out! You are too sweet! I've only been blogging for a short time but I love the sense of community that comes with it and getting to know awesome people like you! That fireplace sounds amazing right about now (it's freezing!!!) and I'm loving those heart bracelets you guys got. Have a happy weekend :)

  3. Loving your arm candy, we match! And blogging rocks, I love getting to know fellow bloggers :)

  4. awww i just love you!!! you're seriously such a day maker. day maker bc it's like...EVERY DAY! you're the bestyyy!

    now you're making me want to have mark make a fire for tonight as well! love love love love love!

    hugging you! happy friday, precious friend!!


  5. Mmmmm I love hot chocolate and fires! It's starting to feel more like winter here than autumn. Visiting from the link-up! :)

  6. Your little girl is precious in her big bed :) The fire and hot chocolate look amazing! Hope your week is off to a great start.


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