

Thank you...and a Giveaway!

So, I am having so much fun blogging and getting to know you better that I thought this would be the perfect time to do a giveaway and say "Thank You!" for following along and reading my blog. :) I am thankful for YOU!

Although my blog has been around for several years, I only haphazardly blogged for much of that time. This past May, though, I decided I wanted to regularly blog and I haven't regretted that decision. It's so neat how you can build a friendship with somebody you've never met in person. I look forward to getting to know you better and better!

Since I love Scentsy (I'm a Scentsy consultant. You can check out my website here), I thought I'd give away one of my favorite warmers and my absolute favorite scent! I'll be giving away the Daphne mid-size warmer and a Welcome Home bar. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :)
(U.S. & Canada residents only. Sorry!)

I'm curious, what do you enjoy about blogging?

Make sure you enter the giveaway here...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!! And thank you! :)


  1. Love this giveaway and hope I win. You know how much I love scentsy. But you asked what I'm thankful for today. Everyday I post in Facebook what I'm thankful for that day and today I am thankful for my husband. Iam home with my kids today and I'm so thankful that he makes it possible for me to do that.

  2. I am glad you enjoy blogging! It is something that can get tiring, but it also can be very fun and rewarding!

    1. definitely fun & rewarding :) I can see how it could be tiring, too.

  3. I am thankful for friendships both old and new.

  4. I enjoy getting to know new people most, and I just enjoy writing and sharing!

  5. So fun! Thankful for new blog friends as well!!

  6. I'm thankful that my husband, my kids, and myself, have been healthy so far this fall.


  7. I am thankful for my sweet little family and a heavenly father that always is there for us.

  8. Love this idea! So sweet! I've heard a lot about Scentsy but have surprisingly haven't tried anything yet. I'm so thankful for your blog and getting the chance to get to another each other!

  9. I am thankful for my family!


  10. :) today i am thankful for YOU! seriously...couldn't be more thankful that the blog world brought us sisters in Christ together. all the glory to Him! love you, girlie!!!

  11. I'm thankful every day for my wonderful husband. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. I'm thankful for my husband, too! Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. Cliche', but I'm thankful for healthy, happy family :)

  13. I'm thankful for a husband who supports me in my endeavors.

  14. Love your darling blog! What a sweet giveaway too!

  15. I just found your blog from Kelly's Korner, we are moving to OK in a week and a half! I am getting back into blogging since we are moving so far from family, so of course, I love to blog about my little girls! Love your blog!

    1. Well here's an early Welcome to Oklahoma! :) If you're moving to the Tulsa area, let me know when you get here & settled. And if you have any questions about the area, just give me a shout. :)


Thank you for leaving me a little note! I love hearing from you!!