

Five on Friday

Happy Friday, everybody! This Friday finds me so much happier than last Friday. The kiddos are 98% better and the week has been much better. Today I'm linking up with my normal Five on Friday ladies (Darci, April, Christina & Natasha) but I'm also joining Lauren . Here we go...

{one} Today I'm headed to Bethany with Mia to visit Christian and her parents. I'm excited to see them's been quite awhile. The kiddos get to go along, too. Collin is very excited to visit Christian at the hospital. He's been praying for him since the accident. You can keep up with Christian's story here .

{two} I know, I KNOW it's early....but we put our Christmas tree up this week. Now, you know how I don't want to skip Thanksgiving, BUT the Christmas season this year is so short that I thought it'd be ok to put it up early. Plus, this is our first Christmas in our new home and you know how thankful we are to be here, so it's an extra exciting holiday season. :) That's the only Christmas décor we currently have up, but we're all loving it.

{three} This might be kind of weird, and I'm hoping I'm not alone, but I'm really enjoying having our heater on. Hear me out...since the nights get dark so fast, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us, there is something so cozy about putting your jammies comfy clothes on, snuggling up on the couch with the hubby and enjoying the night in the warmth of your home. Weird that I'm thankful for our furnace?

{four} If you follow me on Instagram you already saw this, but we were out playing in the leaves the other day and I really wanted to get a picture of the kids. Collin cooperated, but Emma, Emma gave me this
I told her to look at how nice Collin was smiling and this is what she gave me. That girl...I just love her! Such a goofball. :)

{five} Finally, I'm pretty excited to be doing my first giveaway just to say "thank you" for reading my blog! I've so enjoyed getting to know other bloggers and appreciate those who read mine and thought a giveaway would be fun. If you're reading this, go enter! :)

Do you have any plans this weekend? Our weekend is pretty open for whatever we'd like to do...just how I like it. :)


  1. It's definitely not too early for Christmas decor! Emma's face in the pic, she kills me! See you in a bit ;)

  2. This weekend is pretty laid back for us which will be perfect!

  3. Your tree looks pretty! :) Have a great weekend!

  4. i love you even more (if that's possible) for having your tree up!!! duh!! ;)

  5. Love that the kiddo's are feeling better!! Love that you get to go visit Christian and family!! Love the beautiful Christmas tree...we have our two up as well...and's not too early!! Love our furnace being's so nice to "feel" the warmth of home!! LOVE those grandbabies....they both are a couple of "hoots"!! Love giveaway's....especially SCENTSY!! Last but not least....LOVE you Kristal!!!! ;)

  6. Beautiful tree! And Emma's face is priceless!!!


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