

Five on Friday

It's Friday!! And the Friday before exciting!! I'm linking up again with the lovely Five on Friday gals {Darci, April, Christina, & Natasha} and Lauren Elizabeth.

{one} Last Saturday, Robert and I invited our sweet neighbor lady over for lunch. She is an elderly woman who has been a widow for 20+ years. She is the sweetest lady and any time she's sees the kids and I out playing, she always wants to visit and talk. And bless her heart, she's a talker. You can just tell that she longs for some company. I've talked about our journey to our house before and I believe that God has us in this house not just for our own comfort and enjoyment, but to be a tool for Him to our neighbors. And lunch with our widowed neighbor is one way we can share His love.  We enjoyed it, she enjoyed doubt we'll do it again. :)

{two} Kind of going along with the first one, we invited Robert's new boss and his wife over for dinner on Christmas Eve. They moved here this past October from Belgium and have no family here and won't be going home for the holidays. We hated the idea of them being alone for Christmas, so we invited them over for Christmas Eve. Our family dinner will grow by two this year and I hope they enjoy themselves!
{three} Speaking of Christmas, last night the girls and I had our little Christmas party and gift exchange. This year we drew names and exchanged gifts that way. Sweet Kim drew my name and gifted me a Essie holiday gift set and insulated 31 bag. Love them! Thank you, Kim!

{four} In case you missed it yesterday, beginning January 2, 2014, some of my favorite bloggers and I will be hosting a weekly link up called Thankful Thursday. We want to live each day with gratitude and encourage each other to do the same. We've decided it would be fun to take a picture every day of something we're thankful for and then post those pics in our Thankful Thursday post. But you can do whatever is best and meaningful for you. We just hope you link up with us and focus on gratitude in 2014.

{five} I have SO been enjoying the sweets and treats of the season! My favorites so far have been Chocolate Crinkles and my grandmas famous Coucan! Mm, so good!!! What about you? Do you have any favorites?

Apart from wrapping a few more presents, I'm ready for Christmas! What about you? Are you ready?


  1. I just finished up on Wednesday! Our Christmas celebrations start tomorrow and go through the 28th!

  2. I am so glad you had your neighbor over!! I remember you saying something about it a while back. And how nice to invite Robert's co-workers to Christmas Eve! I can only imagine how thankful they are to not have to spend it alone! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. You're just the sweetest, that is all :)

  4. That is so sweet of y'all to open your home (and Christmas) to others! A great way to love others! I can tell that you have that gift :)

    1. Aw, thank you Dawn!! I know if I couldn't be with family over the holidays, I'd appreciate it if somebody welcomed our family in. :)


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