

Thankful Thursday-Week 1

Happy New Year!! The day has arrived for our first Thankful Thursday link up and I am so excited!! What a wonderful way to kick off the year...being thankful for the big and small, in the good and the bad. I hope you'll join with Katie @ Katie Elizabeth, Mia @ MakeMeUpMia, Carly @ Carly Blogs Here and I as we focus on gratitude every day and share it every Thursday. So, here we go!

{Thursday, December 26}
My Aunt and Uncle from Houston were able to join us this year for Christmas. They asked if they could take the kids out on a shopping spree and oh my did the kids score some awesome gifts!! When my brother and I were little, they would take us out and completely spoil us, too, when they visited and it's just so sweet to me that they want to now do that with my kids. And it's not about the gifts, but rather the love behind the gifts.

{Friday, December 27}

My grandparents gave me this cute picture for Christmas. I love it because it is oh so true, yet I am oh so thankful for the little (and big) ones who make this true. Wouldn't change a thing!

{Saturday, December 28}
I better give you fair warning that you'll definitely see these two a lot in my weekly posts. I am so very thankful to be their mommy!!

{Sunday, December 29}
Picture taking fun with my monkeys.
{Monday, December 30}
This girl has been giving me a run for my money lately, but she melts my heart! It's good for me to soak in those quiet moments with her, or Collin, to remind me to slow down, remember the rough days are not the norm and soak up every day with her (them).
{Tuesday, December 31}
  We spent NYE with some of our favorite friends. Plus, 8 years on NYE, Robert decision of my life! :)
{Wednesday, January 1}
I love family dinners! This night, my mother-in-law was able to join us from Chicago!
Now it's your turn to join in! We'd love to hear what you're thankful for this week!


  1. aww they are so adorable! And it looks like they had a lot of fun on their little shopping spree :) It's the best when you're able to spend time with family you don't always get to see!

    1. Thank you! :) It took them a bit to catch on to the whole shopping spree thing...they've never been given free reign in the toy department before. But with my Uncle's help, they quickly caught on. :)

  2. So much to be thankful for! I will try to join you guys next week!

  3. Man did those kids hit the jackpot! :) How fun!

  4. They are adorable, bring on the pictures! Happy engagement anniversary and hope you had a fun NYE :)

    1. Thanks Katie!! :) We did have a good time...lots of laughs!

  5. I'm excited to take part of this and get to know you ladies! I just got proposed to as well! Congratulations!! :) Family dinners are a favorite of mine as well!


    1. I'm so glad you're joining in! Congratulations on your engagement! I look forward to getting to know you more! :)


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