

Five on Friday-New Year's Goals

Happy New Year (again)! While I'm not much of a resolution person, there are some goals I have made for myself for this year. I thought I'd share those with you...and maybe you can help keep me accountable on them, too. :) I'm linking up with Darci (and friends!) and Lauren Elizabeth. So, here we go!

{one} Daily spend time in the Word. If one thing is true, it's that my days fall apart when I don't spend time in the Word with Jesus. Sure, life gets busy and the days fly by, but it is an absolute must that I spend time, every single day, with Him!

{two} Play more. I want to play more with my kids. The days are going by so very quickly as they grow older each day and I don't want to miss anything! I want to play with them more and soak up their "littleness" while I can. I also want to play more with Robert. The pressure and stress of life adds up so quickly and I don't want to forget the fun we had as we were dating and engaged. I want to relax more and just have fun with him.

{three} Give grace. Give grace to others and give grace to myself!
{four} Be intentional. I want to be very intentional in my relationships, growing and nurturing them on purpose. It seems that every year I grow to love and appreciate those in my life even more and this year I want them to know that...really know that. 
{five} Love more. I want to love others more. Even when it's hard. And the only way I can do that is to remove myself and allow Him to take control and be that love. Less me, more love....less me, more Jesus.


So, there you have it. My list of goals for this year. What about you? Do you set goals? Or do you have a "word" for the year?
~Yesterday was our first Thankful Thursday linkup. We'd LOVE to have you join us this year as we focus each day on gratitude!


  1. Great goals! :) I definitely want to play more too! :)!

  2. I love the idea of loving more :)

  3. These are all so good and important and something I need to work on as well-- aside from the kids one for now :) haha

    1. Thanks! I certainly need more of all of them in my life. :)

  4. Those are all great goals to strive towards! Man, you are a great lady just for setting these goals :)

  5. More Jesus, YES! Blurred lines between work and play, YES YES! YOU make MY heart smile! :)

  6. Love your goals! So many are similar to what I want to work on in the New Year. Happy Friday! :)

    1. Thank you!! Hopefully you can help keep me accountable on them. :)

  7. Love your goals babe! You are so down to earth and that makes me adore you even more than I already do!

  8. Love this list! More grace and more time in the word, both of which we can all use more of! And time for more fun - so important! Love this list :)


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