

Top Three Pinned Recipes

Happy Monday y'all! I hope you had a good Easter celebrating our Risen Savior!! We're still in Chicago visiting with family, so I thought it would be fun to highlight my top three most pinned recipes since I've started doing weekly recipes. I'm sure you'll enjoy any/all of them!

{one} Homemade Pancakes

{two} Apple Pie Pork Chops

{three} Crock Pot Stew

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  1. Come home! I want to chat with your cute face with Mia! :) Just kidding, enjoy family time dear! PS. I still trust all of your recipes. They have never been bad. Ever.

  2. I've really got to make those pork chops!!

  3. yes yes and yes!! haha Thanks for sharing!

  4. Pancakes... mm.... never gets old.

  5. I have to admit, I'm not the biggest pork chop person but that recipe sounds like it would be delicious! AND it uses a slow cooker?! Perfect!

  6. Gonna have to try some of these! We tried the apple BBQ pulled chicken recipe you posted a few weeks ago and they were a hit!!

  7. Ahhh this reminded me that I pinned those apple pork chops forever ago and still need to try them! Hope you had a wonderful Easter :)


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